Peach Aventurine – Crystals kept close to the body are often used for healing or protective purposes, they affect the entire body and energy field. The particular location of the stone is also not absolutely critical in most cases. Placing the stone on or near the specific area related to the purpose of treatment is often faster and has a more focused effect, however as in any form of healing,
The healing energies will go to where it is intended and to where the healing is needed. You can also direct and focus the energy from the crystal by intention. Sometimes you will feel that a stone needs to be somewhere that has no pocket or practical place to wear jewellery. Little pouches can be pinned inside clothing for fine-tuned placement.
Mental: Peach Aventurine opens the Sacral Chakra and opens our minds to creative thoughts, creative solutions and ways of solving problems we had not considered previously.
Emotional: Opens us to Joy and Happiness through our creative process, encouraging us to find joy and contentment within.
Physical: Stimulates the apatite when we are feeling unwell, encouraging nutrition and absorption into the bloodstream
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