Green Fluorite Sphere – Brazil
Green Fluorite Sphere – Since medieval times, crystal spheres have been used widely for divination. Traditionally, they are the symbol of hidden wisdom and the occult, among many more. Their uses include healing, cleansing, rituals, decoration with a purpose and crystal ball gazing. Unlike wands or points, these marvellous crystals emit energy in all directions equally, making them ideal to gather a complete picture in regards to self or situations.
Depending upon the type of stone chosen, its energy will be flung throughout the environment evenly. Jasper Sphere will emit protection. Rose quartz will emit love. It would take more than a lifetime to gain knowledge of all the different properties. You feel as though you are in the here and now when in the presence of a sphere, it has no beginning and it has no end. They are ideal for setting moods in a room.
As fluorite was only recognised from the 18th Century as an individual stone, no specific, documented history dates back to ancient times. It has been surmised that some mentions of topaz glass or other fragile stones may actually be a reference to fluorite.
The stone is widely sourced globally in over 9000 areas, and the world reserves are estimated at over 230 million tonnes. The largest deposits are found in South Africa, China and Mexico.
Crystal twinning is a common occurrence in fluorite, and the stone has four perfectly formed cleavage planes that aid in the production of octahedral fragments.
Fluorite is found in various colours, and the strength of fluorescence varies by the location of the source. It is a brittle stone with a vitreous lustre rated as a 4 on the Mohs scale.
Mental: Fluorite helps to bring a sense of justice to mind and provides relief concerning obsessions. It alleviates narrow-minded thinking and removes creative and mental blocks.
Emotional: Fluorite aids with the alleviation of disappointment and frustration. It helps to calm and instil quietness and stability. The stone allows us to focus on the presence and alleviates the worry of the unknown.
Physical: Fluorite can aid swelling and help with bone deformity and posture. The stone is also an aid to the reduction of coughing and hoarseness. It is known to treat dental conditions and teeth.
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